The installer requires the full path to the location of a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on your system, which must be specified using the -jreLoc parameter.
My java is installed on C:\Java path, so here is the command to start the ODI installer..
Click 'Next' with the below Welcome screen.
If updates are found, the installer will automatically apply them at this point. Some updates will require the installer to automatically be restarted; if this happens, the Install Software Updates screen will not be seen the next time.
This installation includes the Java EE agent, Oracle Data Integrator Console, and Public Web Services.
Here, i have selected all the components except ODI Standalone Agent.
Step 4. The installer checks for system prerequisites such as operating system certification, recommended operating system packages, and physical memory. If there is a problem, a short error message appears and you will have an opportunity to correct the issue before continuing the installation.
Step 5. This screen allows you to specify the absolute path for the Oracle home location.
NOTE - The specified Oracle home directory must be an empty directory or an existing Oracle Data Integrator home location.
If you selected Java EE Installation on the Select Installation Type screen, you will also be asked to provide the location of your Middleware home.
I have installed Weblogic already on my machine that comes with OBIEE. So, I'm giving here "
OBIEE Middleware" location as "
Oracle Middleware Home".
It will automatically populate the Oracle Home Directory as Oracle_OD1 within that Middleware Home location.
Step 6. Select the application server you want to use for your Java EE components.
As I have installed OBIEE, I used the Weblogic server as my Application Server.
Step 7. This screen allows you to select whether you want to configure the Oracle Data Integrator Studio and the Standalone Agent with an existing Master and Work Repository pair.
This option creates a connection to a work repository for the Oracle Data Integrator Studio. It also configures the odiparams file for the Standalone Agent to connect the master repository. The agent definition is declared in the topology and corresponding agent startup scripts and shortcuts are created. With this configuration, the standalone agent can be started with no additional configuration.
Select this option if you have existing 11g Master and Work Repositories.
- Skip Repository Configuration:
Select this option to continue with the Oracle Data Integrator installation without configuring the repositories. Once installed, you can use the Oracle Data Integrator Studio JDev Gallery to create or configure the repositories.
NOTE: Select Skip Repository Configuration if:
- Your database is not supported by Oracle's Repository Creation Utility (RCU). You will need to configure these components manually after the installation. For more information see Appendix E, "Creating Repositories with Oracle Data Integrator Studio".
- Your schemas have not yet been upgraded to the latest release.
If you have already done with the
RCU Installation for ODI, select Configure Repositories.
Step 8. This screen allows you to specify the connection string to the database that hosts the Master Repository and the database user name and password.
Step 9. This screen allows you to specify the password for the Supervisor user. This is the same password specified on the Custom Variables screen when you ran RCU to create the schemas.
Displays the ODI username with Supervisor privileges. This field cannot be edited.
Note that the user name is SUPERVISOR (all CAPS) and ODI user names are case-sensitive. When you are asked to provide the Supervisor name later (for example, in ODI Studio), you must enter the name exactly at it appears here (SUPERVISOR), in all CAPS.
Step 10. This screen allows you to select an existing Work Repository from the list.
Step 11. This screen allows you to verify the installation options you selected. Click Install to begin the installation.
Step 12. This screen allows you to see the progress of the installation.
Step 13. This screen allows you to see the progress of any post-installation configuration tasks you may have selected.
Step 14. Click Save to save your configuration information to a file. This information includes port numbers, installation directories, disk space usage, URLs, and component names which you may need to access at a later time.
After saving your configuration information, click Finish to dismiss the installer.