Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Copy Results to the File System - Using VB Scipt (Windows Only)

Oracle Business Intelligence 11g, doesn’t provide any built-in method to allow Agent to automatically export/archive OBIEE11g content(Entire Dashboard(or) Dashboard Page(or) Analysis(or) Conditional Report of Agent(or) even Briefing Book) to file system. Ideally there should be a "Destination" of file/FTP added to New Agent screens just like BI Publisher allows FTP. Although this can be done by linking an action to the agent which invokes Java Scripts, VB Scripts, EJBs (Java), etc.. which physically move the OBIEE11g content to the file system.

Action Framework of OBIEE 11g opens up direct integration with Java. So, any process that can be called via Java can be directly called from OBIEE 11g as well. This example configures a java script for the Oracle BI Scheduler that copies the results of an agent to another directory. The script copies the temporary file that contains the results of the Conditional Request to the agent log directory.

In last article, we get to know how to export a report to a shared location using Java script. Today will do the same but using VB Script.

Create a VB Script file using the below contents,

'## Purpose:
'## 1. This script takes a file from OBIEE and saves to the file system
'## 2. Creates a reporting subdirectory if not already present
'## Inputs (specified in Actions tab of OBIEE Delivers Agent):
'## 1. Parameter(0) - This actual file to be exported
'## 2. Parameter(1) - The file name specified within OBIEE

'##Create a variable and assign the base folder path where to store the file:
Dim sPath
sPath = "C:\Users\Prithvi\Documents"
'##Remember the above path is either a shared folder or folder on OBIEE server.

Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'##check whether directory exists, if not create
Dim objDir
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(sPath) Then
Set objDir = objFSO.CreateFolder(sPath)
End If
Set objDir = Nothing

'##build string to get date in yyyy-mm-dd format
Dim sDate, sDateFull
sDate = Now
sDateFull = DatePart("yyyy", sDate) & "-"
If Len(DatePart("m", sDate))=1 Then sDateFull = sDateFull & "0" End If
sDateFull = sDateFull & DatePart("m", sDate) & "-"
If Len(DatePart("d", sDate))=1 Then sDateFull = sDateFull & "0" End If
sDateFull = sDateFull & DatePart("d", sDate)

'##Create a complete path with file name and add the date on the file name:
Dim sFileName
sFileName = sPath & "\" & Parameter(1) & "-" & sDateFull & ".xls"

'##Place the file on the folder:
Dim objFile
objFSO.CopyFile Parameter(0), sFileName, True
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
  • Create a sample agent as below
  • Schedule it to Once.
  • Set the Condition tab as it is.
  • In Delivery Content, select the report you want to export. Give it a Title if you want.
  • Uncheck all the boxes in Recipients.
  • Configure Actions tab as below,
  • Click Ok.
  • Now Save and Run the agent.
  • Check whether the report is exported to the specified location or not.
  • Open and check the contents of the report you exported.

In the next article, we will see How To Create and Invoke Enterpise Java Beans (EJB) Using The Action Framework to export a report / dashboard to a shared location.

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