Thursday, 21 August 2014

Purge cache remotely - OBIEE

To see reports with the most up-to-date data from the latest extract-transform-load (ETL) process, we typically purge the Oracle BI Server Cache using a common job called, "Cache Purge."

There are several ways to purge Oracle BI Server Cache:
  • iBots/Agents bursting
  • Dynamic repository variables 
  • A nqcmd command
In today's article, we will see nqcmd command line features.

1. Create a text file purgecache.txt. Put the below BI SQL in it.

    call SAPurgeAllCache();

2. Create one batch file containing following batch operations, say Purge.bat

cd C:\Program Files\Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client Tools\oraclebi\orahome\bifoundation\server\bin

nqcmd -d DemoEnv -u weblogic -p ******* -s D:\CacheTest\purgecache.txt

3. Following is the description of the nqcmd command line arguments for BIServer (nqsserver):

-d = Datasource / ODBC DSN.
-u = username.
-p = password.
-s = inputsqlsfile.
-o = outputfile. counters will be in outputfile_Counters.txt.
-td <secs> = timeduration in secs. nqcmd will run until <secs> elapses.
-qsel r = select queries random manner from inputsqlsfile.
-ds <secs> = dump statistics to outputfile_Counters.txt every <secs>.
-T = Timer is on. Otherwise you won’t get correct statistics.
-t <number> = generate users . if you give -t 50, 50 users will be there.
-q = turn off row output - mandatory flag for load testing.
-n <number> = used for login test run for <number> iterations.
-w = thinktime (in seconds).

3. Open command prompt and run the Purge.bat file to purge the BI Server cache.

4. Press Enter to run the batch file.

5. You can see the log over here, how many entries you have purged and rest of the details.

Happy BI..!!

Friday, 8 August 2014

Installing Microsoft Loopback Adapter on Windows 7 machine.


Almost 75% of the OBIEE installation failures are because of IP related issues. So, while installing OBIEE, I simply advice you to disconnect your machine from network or just disable all the adapters installed on your machine except this "Microsoft Loopback Adapter". 

The Microsoft Loopback adapter is a testing tool for a virtual network environment where network access is not available. Use this drivers to assign the static address to your machine where network access is not available.

Following are the steps to install Microsoft Loopback Adapter on Windows 7 machine.
  1. Click the Start menu.
  2. Search for “cmd".
  3. Right-click on “cmd” and select “Run as Administrator”
  4. Enter “hdwwiz.exe
  5. In the "Welcome to the Add Hardware Wizard", click Next.
  6. Select "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)" and click Next.
  7. Scroll down and select "Network adapters" and click Next.
  8. Select under Manufacturer "Microsoft" and then under Network Adapter "Microsoft Loopback Adapter" and click Next.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Setting.
  11. Double click on the Microsoft Loopback Adapter you have installed.
  12. You can use the following figures as for example.

Now refer the following fig. to configure your IP.
1. Go to the path, C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc where the host file is located. Edit this hosts file as below.

(If you got the error saying, Please check if this file is opened in another program.
Change the file permissions. Allow read, write, execute access to the your you are currently logged in.)

2. Finally, test that these new network settings work as expected by selecting Start > Command Prompt, then typing ping [machine name], so that the output looks like this:

You are done..!! :-)